Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Anyone Can Be a Hero - 1524 Words

Anyone Can Be a Hero By Jennifer L. Jefferson Com/150 July 8, 2012 Sonya Macon Anyone Can Be a Hero Everyone has heard through some type of media resource that there are no more heroes in the world today, that any or everyone we look up to has a bad reputation or not worth our time and eventually will steer us in the wrong direction. To our understanding this is not true there are heroes in our world, Webster dictionary defines hero as a male figure that displays superior courage and strength or a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal. Heroes are everywhere we just need to look further and find the hero within the people we know personally or†¦show more content†¦No one speaks of this hero in their political plat forms or when petitioning for the next best thing in the world to be among their personal items. This unsung hero is truly a hero for all times. Beyond the Story Book Remember reading or hearing while growing up about the people in story books, thinking about how everyone in them was so heroic and we wanted to be just like them. However, one that comes to mind is a story about a man name Robin Hood. Yes, he was an outlaw who robbed from the rich to give to the poor. On the web site â€Å"The bold outlaw† it gives a brief summary on Robin Hood’s life. â€Å"Robin Hood was a Saxon noble, and was forced into a life of banditry, using his cunning ways and eager servant’s, they helped themselves to the kings gold and jewels, that were levied from the oppressed peasants† (Wright 2004). Although some may argue Robin Hood’s actions are not heroic. Perhaps, the better adjective to describe him would be brave. He was brave to risk his life with such a selfless act; taking from those with more to give to those with less. I don’t know of a modern day real life person that would do such a thing, give to the less fortunate by taking from those with fortunes and expect nothing in return but the satisfaction of knowing he helped someone is pay enough. Now, some may say what he did was wrong. I agree that stealing is wrong, however; hisShow MoreRelatedHeros : Becoming A Hero966 Words   |  4 PagesWhen it come to danger, can anyone save anyone? Maya Angelou quoted once, â€Å"I think a hero is any person really intent on making this a better place for all people† (Angelou). But can any person become a superhero? Yes, I believe that anyone is capable in becoming a hero, if that person is truly willing to commit in saving lives and doing good for the world. Becoming a hero does not mean having to have super-power or having to be exactly like the fiction comic books. 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Andy Dufresne the protagonist in The Shawshank Redemption written by Stephen King and directed by Frank Darabont exhibits these essential existential qualities. The movie has several existential themes

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