Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Anti-Hero Essays - 2060 Words

Introduction Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Notes from the Underground (1864/2008) comes across as a diary penned by a self-described â€Å"spiteful† and â€Å"unattractive† anonymous narrator (p. 7). The narrator’s own self-loathing characterized by self-alienation is so obvious, that he is often referred to by critics as the Underground Man (Frank 1961, p. 1). Yet this Underground Man is the central character of Dostoyevsky’s novel and represents a subversion of the typical courageous hero. In this regard, the Underground man is an anti-hero, since as a protagonist he not only challenges the typical literary version of a hero, but also challenges conventional thinking (Brombert 1999, p. 1). Antiheroism Cuddon and Preston (1998) describe the†¦show more content†¦In particular his inactivity or withdrawal speaks to his opposition to established social norms and political persuasions (Matz 2004). Antiheroism in Notes from the Underground In its historical context Notes from the Underground was written at a time when Russian writers were attempting to revive opposition to Reformation. These writers emphasized the ills of â€Å"separation, egotism and autonomy† that permeated much of 19th century Russia (Golstein 1998, p. 194). Russian writers were expressing the opinion that humanity was lacking in meaningful direction. In this regard, Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground is a representation of the hero who embodied separation but invariably fails, thus embodying the concept of anti-heroism (Golstein 1998, p. 194). According to Barnhart (2005) Dostoevsky’s antihero was not just an assault on existing socio-political thought and norm, but was also a parody of Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s 1863 What is to Be Done? Chernyshevsky suggested in this work that man was by nature possessed of reason and was naturally cooperative with mankind so that he only did what he wanted if it was consistent with peace and harmony. Societal unrest and human struggles only occurred when man was not rational in the sense of cooperation with others. Barnhart (2005) explains that Dostoevsky’s antihero in Notes from the Underground therefore emerges as a direct challenge to Chernyshevsky’s perception of the rational man. BarnhartShow MoreRelatedAnti-Heros1411 Words   |  6 Pages COMM 246 04/11/2012 Modern Anti-Heroes In modern media violence is worshiped and the hero is not always a law abiding citizen. The anti-hero is becoming increasingly popular. Many anti-heroes are criminals. Writers have the ability to have their audience fall in love and care about an anti-hero. Looking up to these anti-heroes might have some devastating affects on society. 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